future of 2D animation

The entertainment industry is always changing, and we see something new and more enjoyable with the passage of time. The thing that makes these advancements possible is the technologies that are involved in this process. For example, 3D cartoon animation services have changed over time with the help of better GPUs.

Autotune in the music industry, CGI in the film industry, and high-definition cameras in the photography industry have revolutionized and changed our entertainment standards. 

These things happened in the past and changed our current era. In the past, animation was hand-drawn, but the future of 2D animation will be different.

Today, in this blog, we will talk about the technologies expected to change the entertainment industry. We will talk about different emerging technologies and how they would play a part in revolutionizing the future of entertainment, and what a 3D or 2D animation company should adopt to stay relevant.

Streaming Platforms

We have seen that streaming platforms are now actively becoming a significant need in our lives. The usage of good old TV cable systems and renting DVDs are becoming obsolete since every home is equipped with a stable internet connection and smart devices, so streaming platforms are very easy to use now.

People don’t have to wait or rent their favorite shows, movies, or documentaries; they can just log in to their streaming platforms and watch their favorite content at any time and anywhere they want.

These streaming platforms are also improving day by day with the help of user experience. For example, buffering is eliminated by the option of offline download option. Also, with the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, people now get similar recommendations to what they like to watch. We also hope to see more developments in streaming platforms.

Virtual And Augmented Reality

The doors to the virtual world have opened after the invention of augmented and virtual reality. This virtual world offers entertainment, amusements, and so much more. The experience provided by virtual reality devices is very close to reality, and this can be utilized in the entertainment industry to enhance the user experience.

For example, people can now participate in concerts happening worldwide while sitting in their homes. This can also be used in education, historical documentaries, and the gaming industry. Both of these technologies will make the entertainment industry more interactive and amusing.


Over time, technologies have significantly improved, and we saw it implemented in the entertainment world. We have seen directors and filmmakers using different techniques for filming with the help of camera angle tricks or by using prosthetic makeup. Now, all the editing is done on computers.

CGI stands for computer-generated imagery, and previously, it was only for editing or recreating action scenes, but there is nothing impossible with the help of CGI. We only use it to create action scenes or background environments, but in the future, we will see actors generated from CGI.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is helping to transform every industry, and the entertainment industry has already started collaborating with AI. With the help of AI algorithms, we have seen that many entertainment platforms recommend stuff based on the user’s liking. Other than that, decision-making, such as casting or location, can be decided with the help of AI.

Other than this, AI is also helping to reduce human resources as it can write, edit, or improve scripts, create animations, create side and main characters, and assist directors in the filmmaking process. You can’t rely entirely on AI for filmmaking right now, but we will see complete movies made with AI in the future. In the future of 2D animation, we will see a lot of AI-generated content.


Autotune is basically an audio processor that is relatively old and was released around 25 years ago, but now this technology has fully matured. Autotune is used to raise or lower the pitch, frequency, and other factors related to the human voice to make it sound more pleasurable. Autotune is one of the most used technologies in the entertainment industry.

In the future, with the help of AI and autotune, we will be able to listen to the best music and songs. Autotune would also help emerging artists and singers to edit and improve their content, as now it is just software that anyone can download to get the most out of it.

3D Printing

3D Printing

3D printing is also becoming quite famous in entertainment, especially in the film industry, as it can help create exciting props and makeup for actors. Also, they can print anything from their imagination and use it during shoots. Sci-fi films often require these types of things, and using CGI to create such objects often looks odd or very.


Internet of Things devices are increasing daily, and many directors and filmmakers are considering providing such devices to cinema audiences that would help them participate and survive among their favorite actors. This means the movie experience for users will become more entertaining and personalized.


Will there be interference from AI in the future of Entertainment?

Yes, there will definitely be interference from AI in the future of entertainment. AI has improved the algorithm of recommendations, and the voice-overs generated with AI’s help feel genuine and authentic. In the future, we will see scripts and animations generated with AI.

What are the opportunities for small-scale creators in the Future?

The future is full of opportunities for small-scale content creators because they don’t have to rely on expensive items or budgets from production houses to create content. With AI-powered animation, voice-overs, and scripts, content creators can leverage them and improve their content.

For example, any director can contact any good 2D animation company like Prolific Studio and get his animated film made at very reasonable rates.


The technologies mentioned above and techniques are currently reshaping the entertainment industry or are expected to revolutionize the future of the entertainment industry. We are still determining how things will turn out in the future, but we can guarantee that this industry will become more pleasurable and amusing.

We at Prolific Studio are walking into the future by implementing many new technologies in our daily tasks. So contact us and get your projects done with futuristic approaches used at only Prolific Studios!

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